I am delighted to present this website to the most valued visitors who have interest in the school education and particularly in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Dhenkanal. Kendriya Vidyalayas follow a common syllabus all over the country which help the children of the transferrable employees to pursue their uninterrupted school education up to class XII which is the most formative period in the student’s life and the child grows under the direct supervision of the parents. Very often the stake holders such as the public as well as the parents want to know about the school. In the arena of Information and Communication Technology it is expected by every stake holder to get the information at the click of the mouse. Therefore, an attempt is made by the school to present some salient features of the school which are generally enquired by the stakeholders. Moreover, this site contains a menu- Right To Information (RTI) which will help the stake holders to gather some hassle-free information. I am thankful to the website committee who constantly updates the content of the web site. I will be highly grateful to the visitors, if this website caters to their needs.